
Should Ofsted inspect schools without notice?

As a parent do you think that Ofsted should inspect schools without notice ? Are you a teacher with a viewpoint on this ? Join a respectful conversation at The School Report and share your views, opinions and ideas.

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The School Report Top Ten Parental Tips For The New School Year

1. Don’t worry – they will make new friends 2. Begin back to school sleep routines 2 weeks before the start of term 3. Label everything and we mean everything 4. Get children excited about the start of term by going shopping for a new school bag or stationery 5. Limit stationary supplies to what […]

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The Fear Of Feedback

We have invested heavily in a culture that fears ‘failure’. We do not embrace well the principle that ‘there is no such thing as failure, only feedback’. We are taught that if you do not do well in a standardised test, then you have failed…Read as ‘YOU ARE A FAILURE’, return to the back of […]

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Engineering UTC Northern Lincolnshire

Opened in September 2015, the Engineering UTC Northern Lincolnshire £12m campus is set in the heart of Scunthorpe town centre and offers a specialist STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education for 13-19 year olds through a hands-on education and engaging workshop spaces. “Skills shortages costs UK businesses around £2bn a year.” UTCs (University Technical […]

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What Makes A Good School ?

As parents we all want our children to attend a good school. What constitutes a good school will be different for every parent. So, what does make a good school? and do we have the power to shape a good school? Inspirational teaching practice, modern facilities, access to extra- curricular activities, healthy eating programmes will […]

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What’s in a handshake?

The first impression, the last impression, a handshake is an extremely important gesture. So, it would seem that something that is so important for a positive first impression should be taught at an early age, but where do we learn such skills at home or at school? Many employers complain about the lack of confidence […]

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New Class Woes

Excitement, trepidation or even out right fear. These are some of the many emotions that can affect our children when moving class, or the even bigger step of a new school. Waiting for the new class list at the end of term can be a challenging time for children, parents and schools, as we look […]

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Sports Day – The Glory Years

The date is set, the letter is out, love it or loathe it the annual sports day season is upon us. If it hasn’t been rained off at least once then it wouldn’t be a school sports day! Over the years the competitive edge of sports day has been diluted, instead encouraging team participation over […]

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Access to a practical and academic education

Inspiration comes in many forms and likewise so does a good education. In certain areas our education system has seen many changes over the past few decades, however few of these changes have been in the form of subjects studied in our schools. Practical GCSE’s in subjects such as construction services, motor vehicle mechanics and […]

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What You Can Gain From Our Parent School Forum

When your child makes the big step to primary or secondary school, you’ll be excited and nervous for them in equal measure. You can look at each school’s Ofsted report, but as they can only ever see a snapshot, we help parents to see the whole picture. That’s our job at The School Report: To […]

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Discover Secondary School Experiences About Your Child’s Prospective School

We all know how important choosing a secondary school is for your child. They won’t have experienced anything quite like ‘big school’ until they get there, so choosing a school is all about feelings and hunches. However, our team at The School Report have a bank of secondary school experiences that have been shared by […]

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Is there an alternative to SATs ?

  With the growing number of headlines in the press about the pressure of SATS examinations for primary school children, The School report asks our parental and teaching community – If we remove SATS examinations for primary school children, how do we measure effectiveness?

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Parent School Forum

Are you looking for a parent school forum where you can voice your opinion or make a decision on your child’s education? When it comes to education, parents want the very best for their child. They want to know they are safe, well looked after and have the best possible chance of learning and growing […]

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The School Report talks technical with Peter Wylie, Director of Education for The Baker Dearing Educational Trust

Peter Wylie manages the Baker Dearing Field Team. Peter started out in secondary teaching, moving on to Local Authority roles from 14-19 Education Officer through to Assistant, Deputy and Director of Education roles with Cleveland, East Sussex, Birmingham, Leicestershire, Knowsley, Islington and Croydon, where he was Director of Education and then Director of Children’s Services […]

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Teaching Pro-kindness

I read something the other day by a wise thinker which said ‘Educating our children’s minds without educating their hearts is no education at all’. This got me thinking about the purpose of education. What exactly are we wanting future generations to create in this world? What we teach is what they are likely to […]

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Inspire a generation

Welcome to The School Report. As the first blog post for The School Report we thought it would be fitting to share with you the experience behind the concept from our founder. As a parent who had many positive experiences of school life, my first experience of powerlessness came as quite a shock. Having spoken […]

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